Five Easons For A Steel-Framed Home

Being able to select construction materials for your new home enables you to choose materials that will best last and work well for you and whoever else lives in the structure. Among the first decisions you'll make is whether to use a steel or wood frame for the house. Many homes use wood, but there are compelling reasons you might work with steel instead; here are some.

1. Durability

Skyscrapers, cars and other items are constructed with steel because the metal is strong and will last. A steel-framed home will stand for many years.

2. Resistance to Elements and Pests

Wood-framed home owners must spend time dealing with the effects of the local environment on the house. Wood is prone to rot if water infiltration is too high, and in the sun it can become warped in spots. Termites can arrive and stay, damaging the place from the inside.

Steel homes don't have those kinds of issues. Termites are not an issue and steel will be impervious to the environment.

3. Low Maintenance

Because steel isn't affected by as many external factors as wood is, over the years if you own a steel-framed house, the maintenance costs are likely to be far lower than if you use wood. That frees up money for other projects you'd like to do in your home; you can make much more improvements because of your decisions to use steel.

4. Fire Safety

Unlike wood, steel will not melt away if a fire happens. Steel can be an extra layer of home protection if a fire should somehow occur somewhere in the house. Wood, however, can catch fire quickly and it can spread throughout a home unless additional fire protection systems are purchased.

5. Recycling

Wood used to make residential homes is often treated with special chemicals to make it more durable. This can sometimes cause problems if you or a future owner wants to recycle materials. Steel remains untreated and can easily be recycled in case a future owner wants to construct a different structure. Using steel for home frames is environmentally friendly, as you may even seek recycled steel with which to form your own house frames.

Residential steel is something to discuss with your particular home contractor. They can suggest certain suppliers and explain more reasons why this material can work for the special home you're like to construct. Your house should soon take the shape you're hoping to see. 

For more information, contact a business such as Magna Steel Sales Inc.
